Poll Everywhere for Students

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Poll Everywhere is a web-based polling tool. Students may be asked to participate in activities through their web browser, Poll Everywhere App, or SMS text message. Results to activities may be seen live during class to fuel conversations or could be saved by the instructor to view later. 

Access Poll Everywhere

Poll Everywhere activities will be accessed differently depending on how your instructor creates activities. In most cases, students do not need to create an account or log in to participate. However, some instructors will want to collect your responses and link that information to you. If you are unsure whether an account is required, it is best to ask your instructor.

If your instructor is using Poll Everywhere activities as part of course participation (e.g., attendance, assignments, quizzes) you may see a prompt to sign in before being able to participate.

To Get Credit for Participation in Poll Everywhere Activities:
Log into Poll Everywhere using your Penn email address in the format PennKey@upenn.edu (removing any school affiliation). Click Next.

Select “Login via University of Pennsylvania” and log in with your PennKey.

Navigate to the polling link or access information provided by your instructor.

If you have more than one account associated with your Penn email addresses, contact Poll Everywhere support to have your accounts merged to make sure you get credit for class activities when you are logged in.

Respond to an Activity

If you are asked to complete an activity, be sure to use the link that your instructor has provided. Enter your instructor’s unique URL into any browser: pollev.com/username. 

Your instructor may leverage Poll Everywhere in several ways for different activities, please see the student guide on responding to questions for more information. Poll Everywhere also offers apps that you can download if you are a frequent user:


The Poll Everywhere Student Guide is a good place to start if you have any questions. There is a helpful FAQ section at the end of the guide.

If you have additional questions about participating in an activity, please reach out to your instructor.

Last Updated: 31 Aug 2023